The Beauty of Nothing Lasting Forever

There is a beauty in nothing lasting forever. Another way of saying it is: the beauty of an ever changing universe. To discover that beauty we have to let go of control. To do so, we face the realization that control is an illusion. We really aren’t in control. So what do we do then?

This meditative conversation takes us on a journey – you have two versions to choose from. The short version takes you to the edge of the cliff and you can look over. In the extended version you take a leap right over. The beauty of nothing lasting forever can feel scary to the mind, but it is freedom for the soul. Take the leap – the illusion is the only thing at risk.

In this meditative conversation – move into letting go of control and the acceptance of not ever having been in control. In the extended version, we move into the struggle that mind can have and the games it can play to hang on to control and then finally relax into what is and the beauty of an ever changing universe.

The Beauty of Nothing Lasting Forever or an Ever Changing Universe – Short version
The Beauty of Nothing Lasting Forever or an Ever Changing Universe – Extended

These meditations are also available on YouTube using the links below:

The Beauty of Nothing Lasting Forever – short video version
The Beauty of Nothing Lasting Forever (extended version)

For more meditative conversations use the following link:

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