Fear is a storm
Let it pass you by
Notice its rage
Notice its raw elements
Notice its flashes of lightning
See how it builds
How does it strengthen, when you feed it your fear
In this time, many fears are feeding it
Across our neighborhood there is fear which builds it and calls to it
You have felt safe in storms before
But this storm feels stronger, it is not just a flash or two of lightning
It is more than loud thunder
There are so many attributes to it currently
This time as you look out the window
There are multiple tornadoes – calling for your fear
Your heart and mind have dealt with smaller storms
But this one feels overwhelming
Its breadth is overpowering
It appears more dangerous now
Where is the safety – the calm in the storm
Centered in you
It doesn’t matter the storm
It doesn’t matter the size, the rage or the fears
When centered in you
In this more intense storm
You are no less protected than you ever were
Centered in you
The lightning was just as dangerous as this bigger storm
You are no less protected now than you ever were
Centered in you
The storms lightning is like fireflies
The tornadoes like spiraling flocks of birds
Let it pass you by
Centered in you
It matters not the power of the storm that faces you
The power is in how you face the storm
In the center there is calm
Center in you
Watch the storm pass you by